Offering Hope, Help and Healing On Issues Related To Relationships, Sexuality, and Childbearing

Creator God,
I pledge to truly celebrate the gift
of each child conceived and born,
and fully mourn each miscarriage,
abortion, stillbirth, infant or child death.
I will be a strong witness to my belief
in the dignity and worth of all life,
by treasuring the gift of fertility, by supporting those suffering infertility,
by encouraging those in the adoption process, and by assisting families experiencing a child crisis, illness
or special need. I will be a strong
and consistent voice for life
in my home, my church, my community and the world.

Elizabeth Ministry International encourages ways to live a vocation of love in the day to day realities of our lives. The efforts of this ministry are designed to
honor life
cherish children
encourage families
uplift the sanctity of marriage
and build community.
Elizabeth Ministry International and its Chapters worldwide support families during the childbearing years and beyond with special care and support to those facing crisis and loss.
Zechariah House of Healing is located in Kaukauna, Wisconsin and is an expansion of the Elizabeth Ministry’s healing prayer ministry.
Days of Reflection
RECLAIM Sexual Health Program
NAVIGATE Betrayal Program
Production Studio

We live out connections with God, self, others,
and creation in these particular aspects of our lives.
Parenting Siblings Grandparenting Extended Family
Faith Community Neighborhood & the World

Adoption and Blending
Prenatal, Infant or Child Crisis
Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Child loss

Important Links
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