Offering Hope, Help and Healing On Issues Related To Relationships, Sexuality, and Childbearing
“50 Families for Faith”
Elizabeth Ministry
is asking for your
To meet our budget,
We are looking for 50 families to change lives
by giving $50 a month.
Due to the increase in support to EMI Chapters in US parishes, the increase of participants at our retreat center (Shrine Visits, Marriage retreats, Mother Daughter & Father Son retreats) and overall client care provided for pregnancy, miscarriage and our online healing programs, we are asking for your immediate
help and support.
The economy also has greatly affected our budget
in that our rent is now double what it was two years ago.
Can you help us,
knowing you are changing lives every day?
need support!
of faith-filled
Catholics worldwide attend our
retreats and Wisconsin Shrines
Directly caring for
hundreds of pregnant
women in
Your commitment to giving $50 a month will support our powerful programs that bring healing to the hurting.
Progress Chart
Fundraiser Contact Info
Call us
Email us
119 W. 7th St
Kaukauna WI 54130
It is through your financial generosity that Elizabeth Ministry International is able to continue to encourage, educate and help those in need. Our growing ministry needs your financial support!
Your gift goes to work immediately to support Elizabeth Ministry International and is tax deductible (tax exempt ID #20-2078989.)